I have always WAITED to be happy. When I was little I thought the magic would happen when I got married. When I got married I thought I’d really be happy when we had kids. Although all of these things did bring joy and happiness into my life, it was never enough.
I would think, “I’ll be happy when we can buy a house.” “I’ll be happy when we can buy a bigger house.” “I’ll be happy when I land that dream job.” “I’ll be happy when the baby stops being colicky, when I get a boob job, when I can afford that dream vacation.” I can’t wait to be happy.
When I’d achieve a goal or overcome an obstacle I’d be “happy” temporarily, but then another challenge would hit and my happiness would be derailed.
The moment this cycle changed is when a good friend of mine talked to me about a conversation he had had with his Mom. He had had the same attitude as me and told her he couldn’t wait for his struggles to be over so he could be happy.
Her response changed my life. She said, “If you keep WAITING to be happy, you are never going to be happy. This life is all about challenges. When you get through one challenge, expect to face another. Even when there are moments in your life when things seem pretty good, people that you love will have challenges that will break your heart. Stop WAITING to be happy.”
It’s a simple concept that has completely changed my perspective. Whenever I get down about my circumstances I look around me and find something to be happy about, something to be grateful for.
Start expecting a little less out of life. Learn to be happy through the struggles and along your journey. For me, choosing to be happy despite the tough stuff has made the world a whole lot more beautiful place to live in.