Tips for Embracing Change

Tips for Embracing Change

I’ve had to embrace change a lot lately. From job loss to moving and divorce, change is tough! I even struggle with minor changes and setbacks, like burning dinner or in today’s instance, equipment not working and not being able to bring you the story of an incredible woman whom I have admired for over a decade. (You’ll hear from her very soon, I promise, but today it was not meant to be.)

I have learned that this aversion to change comes from fear. It’s much easier to sit in what is comfortable than to grow, but I am learning to embrace change and trust in a God that knows what is best for me.

Coping mechanisms that have worked for me when facing change include:

  1. Talking about my fears with someone I trust.
  2. Recognizing that I am not God and my challenges are working for my good and personal growth.
  3. Learning that this change is a season and that life will get better.

Even though this week’s podcast did not end up the way that I planned, I hope that you will embrace change with me and listen to this message.

For more podcast episodes and articles on self-care click the links below. Happy Holidays my friends!

From Disneyland to Divorce

Survive, Thrive, Connect and Inspire

Surviving the Holiday Season