Fumbling Through Finances

Fumbling Through Finances

I have always held my self worth in the same space as my riches. I thought my parents would love me more and I would love myself more if I was successful with money and in my career. I still struggle with these thoughts as we live in a “Keeping Up with the Jones'” world.

I’ve been handed a big slice of humble pie when it has come to finances. I have worked hard my entire life and have still found myself struggling.

I’ve learned the hard way that it’s not just about getting a good education and showing up every day.

Home repairs, car repairs, and medical bills can quickly take you from saving to putting money on credit cards and it’s hard to catch up.

It’s easy to feel like everyone else around you has made it and is financially secure, but looks can be deceiving.

This is my journey with money. In the end I’ve learned that I have so much more worth than what is in my bank account.

For more on getting by on a tight budget, click below.